Monday, November 9, 2009

Bla bla bla

One of the objectives of my blog is to show the world how lucky I am (to have a beautiful wife and 3 kids, etc, know the usual stuff) blessed our life is (my wife can cook and bake very well!!)...and to show the beautiful things we have achieved week after week...but dont be surprised that you may witness also our sad is not perfect, what do you expect? bed of roses all the time?

Anyway, I always tell my families and friends, if you have the desire, the passion and the knowledge/skills - you will always be successful in life/career...and the money/free time you get is just the by-product of your success!! But success is nothing if you are not happy or sick all the time.

But one wise friend of mine told me - if you want a perfect life, not only that you ought to have time, money and good health, you must have 'faith' as he said faith will balance out everything and gives what you really/actually want that is happiness..maybe some people may not buy this. Whatever it is, I really do agree with him.

And I will try to do all my future postings in English. But some will be in Malay...just to keep up with the demand if you know what I mean.

Last but not least, dont be afraid to try...we all know if you never try, you never know. And if you really want something so bad, keep trying and never give up (BUT DO NOT MISCONSTRUED IT by becoming a stalker!!).

I have to stop now. Really.

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