Saturday, November 14, 2009

Kangoro Soup aka Cow's Hooves Soup aka Sup Tapak Kaki Lembu!!

I went to the wet market hoping to find cow's tail. I found it BUT I had to buy other things also. The guy said ' You must take the whole package or you will not get the cow's tail!'. Caught me by surprise. The things were 4 cut cow's hooves!! Since I was deprived of cow's tail soup for almost one month, I bought the whole package. All for T$10,000 (US$8). Not bad for a fresh tail and hooves. If you wondering whether it's halal or is halal!! Meats (except pork) that are for sale at the markets/shops were slaughtered according to Muslim rites in's the law, there is no but. Anyway, my local staff thought I made a good choice as he said the hoof is one of the main delicacies in Tanzania and the best way to cook it is to make soup out of it. They called it 'Kangoro Soup'. I somehow agreed to his suggestion and asked our local maid to cook it for us.

The whole process took more than 4 hours. They said if they use the orthodox way to cook it, it will take at least half a day. Let me show what I meant. The above pictures showed that you have to 'barbeque' them without taking off its skin. Then when you see that it is 'cooked', you have to scrap it clean in hot boiling water. After you are satisfied that it is clean, you cut them into small pieces. Then you start the process of cooking the soup. We used Malay ingredient for the soup because we thought it will give more ummmpphhhh! Before that, we put the cut hooves into the pressure cooker for almost 2 hours! When we felt they were soft enough...we started cooking the soup. We put potatoes and the usual stuff. Then wallaaaa....I must say it is quite yummy!! try it...if you never try, you never know!

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