Monday, November 16, 2009

I am not that satisified by the quality of my postings

When I read back all my postings, I noticed that there are quite a few grammatical mistakes and some typo errors like I forgot to put the word 'to', etc.

I do not want to give excuses BUT I must say this is a the result of thinking in Malay and Kiswahili (the national language of Tanzania) while doing them. My colleagues who came from all over the world also had some influence on the development of my English! Really can't blame them.

I have been here for almost 5 years!

Many funny, extraordinary things happened.

One example : Can you picture a scenario where a Malaysian family was deprived of chicken meat for more than 1 month? eeerr...Like Malaysia without KFC!! Can you imagine that? In Malaysia, survey shows that on average, every Malaysian ate more than 20 kilos of chicken per year!!

Cow's meat is African's favorite meat. Anyhow, in 2007, a disease called 'Rift Valley Fever' (it is not mad cow, go google it) struck East Africa region killing almost all the cows in the region (people were shunning the healthy cows too) naturally East African people changed their diet...BUT there were not many chicken breeders in my area at that time. So they could not cope with the extra demands.

Consequently, we could not find any chicken meat for more than one month!! (and that was one of the reasons why I started my own little chicken farm).

When we found chicken meat...we had chicken in our menu for more than one week...chicken curry, chicken kurma, chicken soup, vegetable with sliced chicken meat, bbq chicken...and I started to smell like a chicken too after few days!!

Malaysia is actually a nation of chicken lovers!! Even if the market raised the price of chicken by 20 cent Malaysia per kilo, all hell breaks loose!!

And some Malaysians are trying to bring this culture to Tanzania. There are now 2 Marrybrown restaurants in Dar Es Salaam, the capital city of Tanzania. Thank God Arusha@Kilimanjaro is 650km away from Dar Es Salaam.

Anyhow, I have my wife. She can cook KFC quality fried chicken in no time!!

1 comment:

  1. Niamind.... keep on posting and you'll get better. Tell us about seafood next time.
