Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Do you think Malaysia can transform itself into a high income country?

I am a Malaysian and proud of it!! I love Malaysia. I really want to go back and work in Malaysia.

I am an optimistic person too so I believe one day Malaysia can really become one!!

But answer these questions first - do we really know the meaning of 'high income' country? If the answer is yes, do we really understand it? Does it mean that our quality of life should be raised too?

I raised this subject because I want to know what kind of high income country Malaysia want to be? Does she want to be like Singapore (GDP on PPP 51800us)? or UAE (GDP on PPP 44600us) or Australia (GDP on PPP 38200us) or Hong Kong (GDP on PPP 43800us)?

For your information, Malaysia's GDP on a purchasing power parity basis divided by population as of 1 July 2008 is 15200us!!

When I arrived here, the locals always said 'una tajiri kwasababu unatoka Malaysia!!' and their sentence always ended with a big laugh (like muwaahhhaaahahah!!)...duhhh.

It means 'You are rich because you are from Malaysia!!'. That statement still baffles me until now!!

They added...aahh Malaysia has a lot of tall modern buildings, every type of trains, million of cars, main producer in E&E sector, big tarmac roads, etc etc...but little did they know that to enter Shah Alam, there are 5 glorious highways (Federal Hway, NKVE, KESAS, ELITE, Guthrie) ready to be used BUT all of them take your money away and after using one of them for a week or two, there goes your dream to be a high income person!!.

Now I am sounding like a Mat Rempit (something like a hooligan on a bike, I think)...once I was told by a reliable source..a Mat Rempit got caught by the Police. The Police said 'why cant you do something better?'...and his reply was 'Nowadays, if you want to enter a park you have to pay, if you want to play games, you have to pay, even if you want to use the toilet you have to if you promise to pay for all these, I will gladly stop doing all these nonsense!'

Anyway, let us focus back to the subject.

So what about you? What do you really want for Malaysia?

For me I just want to go back to Malaysia, work or start a business and then be a multi-millionaire before the age of 45!! (Last time I said I wanted to be a millionaire by 35!!) so that I can withstand the inflation rate effect in the next 10 years.

Am I making some sense here?

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