Friday, November 27, 2009

Eid Prayer & Sacrifice

I went to the mosque but nobody was there. My friend told me earlier that he is going to the mosque but he is nowhere to be seen and my calls to his whole family were not answered.

Now I am at home. Typing this post while thinking when and where I will be praying for Eid.

My wife has cook for us Beef Rendang, Nasi Minyak, Nasi Impit and Chocolate Cake. You know what, suddenly I feel hungry. 

After gulping the delicious and sumptuous Eid dishes prepared by my better half, I received a call from my friend. He said he forgot to call me to tell me that the venue has been changed to Arusha Stadium. I was quite upset when I heard it but let bygone be bygone and I am sure to be forgiven by Him.

And the good thing is as Saturday is the official Eid day for Tanzania, I am sure many mosques will hold the Eid prayer. You can bet that I will show up in one of the mosques first thing in the morning.

Then, the question of whether I can slaughter my goats came up. My friend said since I did not pray for Eid today, I could not do the sacrifice. I did not agree with him actually as it is not of the conditions for the sacrifice. Then we consulted two imams. They both said I am allowed to carry out the sacrifice. 

I took some pictures of the 'sacrifice' before, during and after the event. Please be warned pet/animal lovers especially under 12 are advised strongly not to look at the pictures!!

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