Sunday, November 15, 2009

Marble Cake

Back to modern age cooking.

Today, my wife asked ''what kind of cake you want me to bake today?''. I replied that I did not need one for now considering that everyone said life in Arusha@Kilimanjaro really made me 'healthy and cute!' [...yeah, right bro, didn't you notice that your belly is bigger and more potruding than mine!! Shame on you]

Anyhow, she did not stop. She nagged and nagged. Finally I said 'Bake me a marble cake but with more chocolate!!'.

After a couple of hours...she gave me a slice!! (look at that picture) I tell you...I was over the moon. It was really good [Hey, we did not have a fight just now...and I am not being bias here]. It really is. Just look at it...admit it! Just by looking at it, it really makes you drool, right?!! Admit it!

I love my wife, I love her, I love her so much!! I love her...and I love her cake.

Chow cin cau!!

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