Sunday, November 22, 2009

Eid al Haj/Raya Haji

For the fifth time in a row, we are going to celebrate Eid Al Haj in Arusha. In preparing for this holy day, we bought two goats. The goats in Tanzania are quite cheap. You only have to pay for around T$50,000 (RM150) for one matured healthy goat.

We brought them to our home first...I clearly told my kids that they are not going to be our pets BUT my kids still wanted to give them names...I relented at last. Since they proposed names like Echo-echo and Diamond Head (Ben 10 names), I asked my local staff to name them. I told my kids since both goats are Tanzanians, we should let a Tanzanian named them. They somehow agreed.

So my staff called the white one - AlHamesi and the brown one - Juma!! Then every afternoon since last Tuesday, my youngest would come to visit the wife told me my youngest asked our goats 'Why are you here?, why are you eating the tree (he meant the leaves)?, do want to play with me?'

Today, we sent them to my friend's house. It is for the best. We do not want our kids to be too 'close' to the goats because when the day comes, we do not have to restrain our kids from 'saving' them!
By the way, the number of our chickens had been increased by 10 last week!! Yes, more fresh village eggs soon!!

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