Wednesday, December 2, 2009


1 Dec - Paris


Paris is formerly a fishing village and claimed to be more than 2000 years old. The old name for Paris is Lutetia.

Surprisingly, almost everyone now in Paris can speak English. They say French people are proud of their language. They say if you can't speak French when you are in their land, you are not entitled to their hospitality! Even when I was in their former colonies like Ivory Coast and Togo, the locals there were somehow disappointed with me for not knowing to speak and understand French.

Anyhow, there are few things I have observed so far. I notice there are a lot of young people here (age between 20 and 40). There are few (let me repeat few but I don't know about other cities in France) obese or overweight people here and when you are in their metro train station, they walk really fast and in an imaginary lines!! I mean it is like they really have to go to the toilet to answer nature's call!! And never be in their way for you will be guaranteed to be swept away by the flow. It is like in the movie "Finding Nemo". Remember Nemo's father, when he was searching for Nemo, he met a group of sea turtles. They let themselves to be swept away by the current of the river in the sea so that they can reach their destination. When he entered into the river, he was swept away too by the current, had no choice but to join the turtles' voyage and then eventually found Nemo.

We were going to stay for one night as tomorrow we have to catch the train to London!! We went to Champs Elysess area. It is equivalent to Oxford Street in London. So the shopping marathon began as we set foot on that area!

Oh..oh wait let me write about the hotel apartment we rented. First thing we noticed - there were dog poo everywhere!! Then as we entered the apartment, I found it to be a quite small studio apartment! Camno la nak muat kami berlima ni...luckily they got everything that we need. They were crammed together in one tiny space. So just imagine where we put our luggages...

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