Friday, December 11, 2009


Brussels' weather is more or less similar to London.

Brussels is more quiet during weekend. Its people love to go out of Brussels during weekend and infact many of them live outside Brussels. My friend works in Brussels but she does not live in Brussels. It may sound ordinary to us BUT she cycles everyday to work, even her partner. They said they took an average of 40-50 minutes to cycle to Brussels from their us, they can do that because Brussels is not hot like Malaysia...

Do you remember last time there was a Minister suggested to build air-conditioned walkways for train/lrt passengers...for instance, from Masjid Jamek station to Wisma Yakin, they will be a covered walkway fully more smelly armpits!!

Brussels is like it is designed for kids!! There are many entertainment parks and museums just for kids. Kids ride the train for free during weekend. Their train system is less complicated than Paris' and London in other kids friendly or stroller friendly if you want to say that.

But my other half did not like Brussels...I did not tell her I like Brussels for some reasons known to me, heheheheh

But one thing for sure, it has one of the worst Indian restaurants I ever encountered.

Will post some pcitures on our Brussels trip soon

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