Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Just an idea on investment

2012 is just around the corner. Many of us, I am sure, are eagerly waiting for ASB to announce its yearly dividend. Since it will become a hot topic very soon, let me take this opportunity to talk about my crazy idea.

There are around more than 10 funds issued and managed by PNB. Amongst those, there are 5 popular funds issued and managed by PNB. I also want to add 1 new fund called AHB by PHB. All of them can be termed as Capital Guaranteed Funds. In no particular order, they are the followings -

1) Amanah Saham Bumiputera (ASB) : launched in 2001 - Financial Period : Every 31 December, Approved Size Fund : UNLIMITED; for bumiputera only
2) Amanah Saham Wawasan 2020 (ASW2020) : launched in 1996, Approved Size Fund : 15.515 billion, Financial End : Every 31 August (but 51% for Bumi, 49% for Non Bumi - Non Bumi Unit fully subscribed)
3) Amanah Saham Malaysia (ASM) : launched in 2000, Approved Size Fund : 13.91 billion, Financial End : Every 31 March
4) AS1M : launched in 2009, Approved Size Fund : 10 billion, Financial End : Every 30 September
5) Amanah Saham Didik (ASD) - Performance - Launched in 2001 - Financial Period : Every 30 June, Approved Size Fund : 4.5; for bumiputera only. They said it is almost fully subscribed but you still can get them
6) Amanah Hartanah Bumiputera (AHB) : Launched in Nov 2010, issued and managed by PHB Overall dividend for year 2010-11 is 6.25%. For bumi only. They said they are giving dividend twice a year. I am expecting they will give around 6% after this. This is what we called Capital guaranteed REIT fund.

(A) ASB Performance -

Year 1990: Dividend = 8.00% , Bonus = 6.00% , Total = 14.00%
Year 1991: Dividend = 8.50% , Bonus = 4.00% , Total = 12.50%
Year 1992: Dividend = 7.50% , Bonus = 5.00% , Total = 12.50%
Year 1993: Dividend = 9.00% , Bonus = 4.50% , Total = 13.50%
Year 1994: Dividend = 9.00% , Bonus = 4.50% , Total = 13.50%
Year 1995: Dividend = 10.00% , Bonus = 3.00% , Total = 13.50%
Year 1996: Dividend = 10.25% , Bonus = 3.00% , Total = 13.25%
Year 1997: Dividend = 10.25% , Bonus = 1.25% , Total = 11.50%
Year 1998: Dividend = 8.00% , Bonus = 2.50% , Total = 10.50%
Year 1999: Dividend = 10.50% , Bonus = 1.50% , Total = 12.00%
Year 2000: Dividend = 9.75% , Bonus = 2.00% , Total = 11.75%
Year 2001: Dividend = 7.00% , Bonus = 3.00% , Total = 10.00%
Year 2002: Dividend = 7.00% , Bonus = 2.00% , Total = 9.00%
Year 2003: Dividend = 7.25% , Bonus = 2.00% , Total = 9.25%
Year 2004: Dividend = 7.25% , Bonus = 2.00% , Total = 9.25%
Year 2005: Dividend = 7.25% , Bonus = 2.00% , Total = 9.25%
Year 2006: Dividend = 7.30% , Bonus = 1.25% , Total = 8.55%
Year 2007: Dividend = 8.00% , Bonus = 1.00% , Total = 9.00%
Year 2008: Dividend = 7.00% , Bonus = 1.75% , Total = 8.75%
Year 2009: Dividend = 7.30% , Bonus = 1.25% , Total = 8.55%
Year 2010; Dividend = 7.50% , Bonus = 1.25% , Total = 8.75%

Average Dividend + Bonus = 10.897619%

(B) ASD Performance –

Year Dividend (sen)
2002 10.00
2003 6.80
2004 7.00
2005 7.20
2006 6.80
2007 7.00
2008 7.00
2009 6.30
2010 6.35
2011 6.50

Average Yearly Dividend : 7.095% per annum

(C) Performance of ASW2020, ASM and AS1M -

Year ASW2020 ASM AS1M
1997 10.10
1998 9.80
1999 8.20
2000 8.80
2001 7.25 7.80
2002 7.25 7.00
2003 6.60 6.60
2004 7.00 7.00
2005 7.10 7.20
2006 6.80 6.75
2007 8.00 6.80
2008 7.00 7.80
2009 6.30 6.25
2010 6.35 6.30 6.38
2011 6.50 6.38 6.50

ASW 2020 : 7.5366667% average yearly dividend
ASM : 6.8936364 average yearly dividend
AS1M : 6.44% average yearly dividend

To simplify –

(D) Average Yearly Dividend for these popular fund
31/12 ASB 10.9%
31/03 ASM 6.9%
31/03 AHB 3.25%
30/06 ASD 7.1%
31/08 ASW 2020 7.5%
30/09 AS1M 6.4%
30/09 AHB 3.25%

Important Note : Do you notice that dividends from all funds since 2009 (except ASB) are below 7%. As for ASB, since 2008, they had been giving dividends under 9%.

(E) What if :

1) Let say you have RM50,000, separate that amount into all these 6 funds
2) If you choose to do this, you will get income of more or less 10% in Jan, 10% in Apr, 7% in July, 7% in Sept and 9.5% in Oct. Look again at the table especially the dates of the announcement of the dividends. Instead of waiting every January and the 10% or less from your ASB alone, you will dividend 5 times a year. In other words, you are making your money works harder!
3) And you can reinvest the dividends you gained to get more dividends. Examples - you can reinvest the ASB's into AS1M account. Then ASW2020’s into ASM. Then maybe you will surpass the 9% dividend by ASB. You can also invest the dividends in other kind of investment like the ones shown below -

(i) Classic Investment : Pure Gold, Bank Rakyat's shares, Tabung Haji, Foreign Currency cash, Precious Metal/Stones, EPF, LTAT (for our soldiers), Angkasa (for our civil servant), conventional insurance, Koperasi, Properties, etc etc

(ii) Modern Investment : Bonds, Buying and Selling Shares, Unit Trust (All kinds), Investment Linked Insurance, Structured Investment, Franchise, Gold Investment Account, Foreign Currency Account, Hedge Fund, Palm Oil Scheme, Special Savings Account linked to your loan payment, etc etc

So, ok ek ko?

NOTE: The above opinion is not an invitation to buy or sell. It serves as a blogging activity of my investing thoughts and ideas, this does not represent an investment advisory service as I charge no subscription or management fees. The content on this site is provided as general information only and should not be taken as investment advice. All site content, shall not be construed as a recommendation to buy or sell any security or financial instrument. The ideas expressed are solely the opinions of the author. Any action that you take as a result of information, analysis, or commentary on this site is ultimately your responsibility. Consult your investment adviser before making any investment decisions.

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