Saturday, December 10, 2011

Dont blame me for brain drain!

People always asked me how I managed to get a job within UN...

I somehow sensed that some of them so godsmacked considering im not this budak rajin n genius tapi selalu ponteng kelas n dpt gred biasa je...

Well, inilah yang dikatakan selalu...rezeki di tangan Tuhan selain dari yang lain yang hanya Allah saja tahu iaitu mati, anak, kubur n kahwin (errr ade betut ka?, ustaz)...

Anyway, should you need a career change but a challenging suggestion is to think out of the box ie Malaysia. Malaysia is such a comfort zone for many of us. And when i said malaysia, it includes singapore, brunei and indonesia ya...

When i got the offer, i did not even know where is Arusha!! Just before i signed the offer letter, i opened the atlas.

You can go to,, and even

Im very sure many of you are well-qualified for the posts advertised in these websites...esp when u have masters, relevant experience at least 7 years and above, knows more than one language beisdes english (like Arabic, french, etc)...

And these organisations, they dont have the time to train you, so be prepared...

So what are you waiting for, surf the websites already!

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