Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The ash cloud is really scary

...and it is coming to your doorstep!!

latest news - it has reached part of Canada!! By looking at the pattern, its next stops - Middle East and/or Africa!

it is good that Europe stopped all the flights. Some people thought they were over-reacting...hey, i thought it is better to be safe than sorry. Just look what happened to the Finnish fighter jets.

but i do agree it is affecting the world economy tremendously!! All airlines stocks is going down and still going down!! South Africa is worried they wont have enough balls (for sale) for World Cup 2010 as Pakistan, the main soccer/football maker in the world could not send them! South Korea is having problem to send their millions of newly made handphones (I assume Samsung's as they are popular in Europe) to Europe; Tanzania and Kenya could not send their roses in Europe! Bangladesh is having problem to send their textile goods to their European clients! Even KLIA is having headache with 450 tonnes of cargo they have now in their warehouse!! Some couples could not get married because the groom/bride is stuck somewhere in Europe!!!

These are just some example of economic crisis we are facing now. And I thought economic crisis, this size, only caused by greedy capitalists!! (But I thought it is still their fault - you know why. Let me give you one example. They opened a textile factory in Bangladesh because of the cheap labour there...usually when they are ready, they will send them to Europe for sale at 10 fold prices. So now when this disaster happened...they will start to lose money. When they are losing money, they will close the Bangladesh factories and open some new ones in Eastern Europe where you still can find cheap labour...now, Bangladesh is suffering because of that move..when Bangladesh is suffering, its government called their friends and offer their citizens to be 'exported' to some countries to get some jobs...when this happened, cases of human trafficking will rise and keep rising!! Then it created not just economic problem but also social problem in Bangladesh and other countries who are not initially affected by the volcanic ash cloud!!! Do you see what I mean!!)

Our life is just intertwined with all what had and has happened around us. You will feel the effect either directly or indirectly. It does not matter where you are now and how you are prepared for it.

Bird flu, H1N1, earthquakes, tsunami, global warming and wars are just few examples that have far reaching effects and brought us calamity one after another. Blow after blow. BUT what are these things trying to tell us?!

1 comment:

  1. I believe this is one of many signs of final apocalypse. Once the ashes covered part of the world, the world economy will be crashing down, but not international demands, production will be tremendously decrease, price of goods will be ballooned perhaps three times from normal, and maybe spark the world war. Nauzubillah... We have to really be prepared for all this.
