Saturday, October 30, 2010

I just love my chickens!!

Early this month, I hired a carpenter (we call them "fundi'') to build a bigger house for my chickens. I got around 20 chickens, they gave free-range eggs everyday...

So, I sat down and drew the plan for the fundi...hoping that he will follow exactly the blue print that I prepared...but I was took him almost 5 days to complete it becoz he tried to build it using his own design...of course, as usual, I had to steer him back to the original plan...this is the always the case with the fundi here in want a castle like house, they will give you a maasai like house, you want a chair, they will give you a classic sofa...

Anyway, now, Im happy and I am sure my chickens are happy now...look at the pictures here -

The morale of the story here - if you make your animals/pets happy, they will make you happy too!!

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