Saturday, October 30, 2010

Basikal2 Malaysia di Tanzania

Kami ni walaupun nampak tembang (tembam+kembang), kami hebat berbasikal. Dont play play!!

Siap ade ngan helmet nya, knee pads, elbox pads...seluar ketat/tight yang ade pad kat celah kangkang tu, ala supaya bontot kita tak jadi leper tu...and kurang sakit lepas mengayuh...

Dulu jenuh nak ajar Haris berbasikal...satu kali dia pegi rempuh pokok tepi jalan...basikal tu hempap dia, nasib baik ade helmet tu...lepas tu ade skali tu...cabutkan tayar2 kecik yang tolon dia balance so tinggal la dua tayar besar tu....suruh la dia mengayuh di tgh2 jalan...after few seconds ok...tetiba, takde angin takde ribut terus dia ke tepi jalan n junam ke longkang!! melalak kesakitan...tanya dia camna bole jadi..."i dont is like this bicycle has its own mind!!"

Anyway, now Irfan has one...he made me changed the seat and the helmet just becoz the one he likes got spiderman pics..

This bicycle is for Ayah...

This one is Ibu's...

This is for my princess...Iman

This is for Haris...

And this one for Irfan!

Morale of the story : Dont just think that you have to wear a helmet when riding a motorcycle, you have to do the same when you are on a bicycle...

I just love my chickens!!

Early this month, I hired a carpenter (we call them "fundi'') to build a bigger house for my chickens. I got around 20 chickens, they gave free-range eggs everyday...

So, I sat down and drew the plan for the fundi...hoping that he will follow exactly the blue print that I prepared...but I was took him almost 5 days to complete it becoz he tried to build it using his own design...of course, as usual, I had to steer him back to the original plan...this is the always the case with the fundi here in want a castle like house, they will give you a maasai like house, you want a chair, they will give you a classic sofa...

Anyway, now, Im happy and I am sure my chickens are happy now...look at the pictures here -

The morale of the story here - if you make your animals/pets happy, they will make you happy too!!