Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Finally... team has closed our case (Prosecution stage)...Defence will start their case earliest in November.

And I just got back from Kigali (Rwanda). I was there to represent my team for the video-link testimony.

Last two weeks, I was in Kampala. I went there to interview Defence Alibi Witness.

It has been hectic since I got back in Arusha late July.

So forgive me for not posting anything for more than a month. I do miss my blog...

But time was not on my side.

Eid Fitr (Aidilfitri) is just around the corner. My family and I are planning to celebrate it in Nairobi this time. The reason - there will be Commonwealth Parliament Association meeting...and many Malaysians will be there to attend such meeting.

I have been to four East African countries - Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Rwanda. I must say Kampala is the best city (amongst the capital cities of East African countries) I have ever been.

And I have a tooth ache...I must stop here.

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