Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The ash cloud is really scary

...and it is coming to your doorstep!!

latest news - it has reached part of Canada!! By looking at the pattern, its next stops - Middle East and/or Africa!

it is good that Europe stopped all the flights. Some people thought they were over-reacting...hey, i thought it is better to be safe than sorry. Just look what happened to the Finnish fighter jets.

but i do agree it is affecting the world economy tremendously!! All airlines stocks is going down and still going down!! South Africa is worried they wont have enough balls (for sale) for World Cup 2010 as Pakistan, the main soccer/football maker in the world could not send them! South Korea is having problem to send their millions of newly made handphones (I assume Samsung's as they are popular in Europe) to Europe; Tanzania and Kenya could not send their roses in Europe! Bangladesh is having problem to send their textile goods to their European clients! Even KLIA is having headache with 450 tonnes of cargo they have now in their warehouse!! Some couples could not get married because the groom/bride is stuck somewhere in Europe!!!

These are just some example of economic crisis we are facing now. And I thought economic crisis, this size, only caused by greedy capitalists!! (But I thought it is still their fault - you know why. Let me give you one example. They opened a textile factory in Bangladesh because of the cheap labour there...usually when they are ready, they will send them to Europe for sale at 10 fold prices. So now when this disaster happened...they will start to lose money. When they are losing money, they will close the Bangladesh factories and open some new ones in Eastern Europe where you still can find cheap labour...now, Bangladesh is suffering because of that move..when Bangladesh is suffering, its government called their friends and offer their citizens to be 'exported' to some countries to get some jobs...when this happened, cases of human trafficking will rise and keep rising!! Then it created not just economic problem but also social problem in Bangladesh and other countries who are not initially affected by the volcanic ash cloud!!! Do you see what I mean!!)

Our life is just intertwined with all what had and has happened around us. You will feel the effect either directly or indirectly. It does not matter where you are now and how you are prepared for it.

Bird flu, H1N1, earthquakes, tsunami, global warming and wars are just few examples that have far reaching effects and brought us calamity one after another. Blow after blow. BUT what are these things trying to tell us?!

Sunday, April 18, 2010


1. I know this is subject that is quite basi (old) already but I think I need to say something. Someone is foolish enough to think that Pulau Redang should be turned into a luxury destination. In the first place, what is the purpose? Is it because Trengganu so 'poor' that you felt that Redang needed to be 'upgraded' to overcome the problem? and why Redang? why not Lang Tengah? First of all I must say Trengganu is my favorite state in West Malaysia...due to many reasons - its people, its orginality, etc. We even had our honeymoon in Redang!! Is it because Michelle Yeoh has bought a land and built her mansion with Jean (Ke)Todt in Marang? Is it because Vincent Tan wanted to upgrade its hotels in Redang but he put the plan aside because felt that there are too many local tourists there making the island look cheap? Is it because of the so called prestigious Monsoon cup and since Trengganu and Redang's standards are too low thus making it unattractive to the foreigners?

Apartheid and Genocide
2. Some Malaysians have wild imaginations. They seem to think that apartheid is actually being practised in Malaysia and another group thought that genocide did happened in Malaysia!! First of all, do they know the meaning of apartheid and genocide. I bet they did not even bother to look up at Wikipedia...let alone the available jurisprudence from the international criminal tribunals. The only unfortunate and worst thing that happened in Malaysia is 13 May - the racial riot in Selangor/KL. So look forward. We should encourage each other to use the right channels (dont give up!) and be more diplomatic (if you listen to people, the people listen to you back).

Basic knowledge of personal finances
3. Do we know that we should have savings of at least equivalent to our 6 months of our monthly salary at all times? Do you know that our EPF is not sufficient to support our retirement? Facts : Survey shows that many Malaysians spent all their EPF money within 3-5 years after they retired; the current life expectancy of a Malaysian Male is 70 and female is 75. Do you know that only 20% of Malaysians have life insurance/takaful? Many of us think that our employer's insurance(s) is more than enough. Do we know what inflation (I do not know who created this 'inflation') means? Do we know how to handle it? Just imagine, in 1980s, you could buy 10 hacks sweets at the price of 10 cent. Now you need at least 60 sen to buy 10 hacks sweets.

Islamic Laws
4. I am sad to see that even some Muslims in Malaysia are embarassed that Islamic Laws are being practised in some small areas and enforced by our Syariah Courts. I sense that they are being pressured by certain influential groups that uphold their so-called human rights to the extreme. These groups put religion at the same level of freedon of speech but yet they practised double standards. They allowed Muslim prophet to be depicted as terrorist but they put people in jail if someone denied the existence of holocoust!! Influenced by such propagandas, Muslims in Malaysia and other parts of the world decided to reject Islamic laws and/or Islam itself through their actions or inaction. They somehow contributed into the thinkings that Islam and/or Islamic Laws are oppressive, violent and orthodox (they want to be looked as modern and forward thinkers)!!

5. I always believe that if you have the desire/hunger, belief and knowledge/skills you will be successful in whatever field you chose to be in! And money is just another by-product created by your success. But dont just think about money. Some people chose their fields and had success in the name of 'change' or just to get recognition. Thus, when you are successful, money, recognition, etc will follow you! and because of your success, you may have the time to devote yourself to your God, family, etc. and think big always!! the bigger your dream, the more successful you are!!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

From Arusha to Watamu

2 April was Good Friday and 5 April was Easter. So we had a long weekend but we did not know where to go.

On 31 March, our dear friend called us and invited us to follow them to go to Mombasa, Kenya. Mombasa is the main port of Kenya and at the same time is a tourist destination because of its beautiful beach (especially Nyali Beach).

We never been to Mombasa before. So why not.

The route that we took is Arusha - Moshi - Holili (Border town - Tanzania side) - Taveta (Border Town - Kenya side) - Voi - Mombasa. We departed at around 6am. When I started the car, my friend had already left Arusha. He said he wanted to pray Jumaat in Mombasa.

So we had to chase them as we did not want to get lost. My friend is a fast driver. If I drive 150km per hour he will do 170km per hour!! So they had to stop few times just to wait for us.

We arrived at Holili before 10am. To get into Kenya, you have to pass through 6 checkpoints. First, I have to register myself at the Tanzania police station stating that we are going to Kenya. Then to the Tanzanian immigration. Thereafter to Tanzanian Revenue Authority to get the permit to 'export' my car temporarily to Kenya. All that took us around 30 minutes. When we reached Taveta, we had to pass the last 3 checkpoints - Police, Immigration and Kenya Revenue Authority. That took us another 30 good minutes.

The area from Holili to Taveta was a no man's land. The road was really bad. But to go to Voi was even worst. It took us about 2 hours to reach there. Thank God for 4wd.

Then from Voi all the way to Mombasa was a breeze until we reached the hotel. Somehow we thought the hotel was a 'luxury' hotel but it turned out to be a rundown hotel. It was really nice if you look from outside. But once you are inside the rooms, it was like a YMCA hostel!! So we had to change hotel. We found a really nice hotel in Mombasa.

I told my friend that we wanted to go Watamu, a small beach town about 1-2 hour drive from Mombasa the next day. They said no but boy, we did not regret our decision! Watamu is great! The white sand beach is clean and the resort we chose was really good especially for families with small kids. My kids really had fun. Me and my wife had fun too. We also made some new friends there. We stayed there until Monday. We went back to Mombasa and stayed there for another night. We departed to Arusha on Tuesday.