Monday, March 8, 2010

Top 10 Things in my mind

1) My wish is that one day that Malaysia will qualify for World Cup (football/soccer) the same time I am saying to myself "yeah dream on bro!!"

2) I want my kids to be professional sportmen/ my daughter - professional golfer (and they wear decent clothes, not like tennis, soccer, hockey players). As for my two sons, they can choose from this list - F1, European football, tennis, golf, etc, the ones that are lucrative and we can follow them when they are on world tour!! If they do not favour any of them, the next best thing to do is to be doctors, all of them and they must master one extra language other than Malay and English like Chinese, Arabic and French

3) FDI into Malaysia has gone down and keep going down.

4) Malaysia's ranking in hockey has gone down too. In 2003, we are 10th in the world, now we are 15th!! Come on!!!

5) Why investing in real estate in Malaysia (especially in KL, Selangor, JB and Penang) is not so hot like in Singapore, HK, India (Mumbai!), it because too much cheap lands, too many 'corridors', not too many people being crammed in the cities, not many can afford more than 500k properties, rigid and strict land regulations?

6) Che Det said that other cars except Proton and Perodua are expensive due to the government's policy to stop petrol-guzzling cars from coming into Malaysia and cheap cars will clog the roads in no time...I almost 'tertelan' ayam kampung!! Yeah if Malaysia is so enviromentally friendly and Perdana does not guzzle so much petrol or Toyota Vios or Honda City 'eat' so much petrol...just admit it...they are just reasons, sedikit sebanyak all these policy dicipta ini menolong (mengikut pintu belakang or indirectly cakap orang putih) sangat Proton and Perodua!

7) I miss Malaysia so much it hurts

8) I have not finished preping my next witness...aarrgghhhh!!

9) I have to strategize on my next move on Malaysian share market especially when RM is going up (vs. US$)

10)You really can make money in Africa. Just look at China on how they 'dump' their goods (be it quality or not) in Africa!!

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