Tuesday, February 9, 2010


I think the issues with Toyota had been blown out of propotion.

Many people (especially the rivals) are jealous of Toyota's success. This is all about jelousy and/or greed and/or domination!

If you have read the books on Toyota you will be amazed how 'perfect' they are in every ways.

As Toyota said, it was initially a 'quality' problem rather than 'safety' problem. I believe them. Many many countries have somehow made Toyota as their national car.

There were no proof that there were accidents caused by this so called 'safety' problem.

I have used Hyundai, Proton, Toyota, Nissan, Honda, Mercedes and Range Rover..I must tell you that the best car I ever had is Toyota.

Toyota just made a profit of almost US2 billion. Because of this, they have to spend hundred of millions just to recall and 'fix' the problem.

BUT one thing for sure, when they explained the so called problem, they did not ever hide a single thing.

Anyhow, I will keep my fingers crossed and hope that Toyota will 'survive'. I just cant imagine a world without Toyota!!

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