Saturday, February 20, 2010

Malays are Chinese?!!

I have been living in Arusha@Kilimanjaro for almost 5 years!!

Never once I have been called "hey Malay boy or man or Malaysian!".

The locals here are of the opinion that there are four types of people only in the world. The first - the Africans, the second - Muzungu (White people), the third - Indians and the last one - Chinese.

So either you are from Malaysia, Japan, Korea (N or S), Myanmar, Fiji, Kazaksthan, are Chinese or Mchina!!

I have been telling them, more than million times - No I am not chinese. They just laughed at me!! They said "look at this chinese...he is trying to be someone else".

So guys if you come here...dont be surprise.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


I think the issues with Toyota had been blown out of propotion.

Many people (especially the rivals) are jealous of Toyota's success. This is all about jelousy and/or greed and/or domination!

If you have read the books on Toyota you will be amazed how 'perfect' they are in every ways.

As Toyota said, it was initially a 'quality' problem rather than 'safety' problem. I believe them. Many many countries have somehow made Toyota as their national car.

There were no proof that there were accidents caused by this so called 'safety' problem.

I have used Hyundai, Proton, Toyota, Nissan, Honda, Mercedes and Range Rover..I must tell you that the best car I ever had is Toyota.

Toyota just made a profit of almost US2 billion. Because of this, they have to spend hundred of millions just to recall and 'fix' the problem.

BUT one thing for sure, when they explained the so called problem, they did not ever hide a single thing.

Anyhow, I will keep my fingers crossed and hope that Toyota will 'survive'. I just cant imagine a world without Toyota!!

Thursday, February 4, 2010


Perbicaraan sudah mula sejak 25 Januari. Kami senaraikan 13 saksi untuk sesi kali ni.

Kami jangkakan kami sudah masuk ke tahap saksi ke-4. Tapi saksi ke-2 masih disoal balas.

Oh tidak...

Peguambela tertuduh pulak asyik menjawab je ngan Hakim2...sampai kena warning. Lepas tu dengan selambanya dia cakap ada unsur2 judicial bias pulak...

Esok nak jumpa saksi...proses 'preping'. Kena prepare saksi2. kalu tidak, ada yang mencarut dalam mahkamah...ya la, mana idaknya...kebanyakan saksi2 adalah survivors genocide.

Dan yang paling seram, ada jugak saksi2 kami adalah pembunuh2...this is what we called 'shaking hands with the devils'!!

Kena lah dengar kedua-dua pihak...yang kena dan yang buat...baru la nampak cantik kes...

kadang2 ngeri jugak cerita depa...'oh saya bunuh 9 orang je...1 makcik ni dan yang lain tu budak2 je'...'lepas kami bunuh depa...kami makan jantung depa mentah2 supaya hantunya tak dtg ganggu!' atau 'kami guna parang je'

naik bulu roma dibuatnya.