Thursday, February 14, 2013

Home sweet home!!

After almost 8 years in Arusha, Tanzania, we are back in Malaysia!! We took 17 luggages, 7 boxes and 8 cabin baggages to be exact into the plane to Malaysia. World record?, nahhh... We decided to bring that many bcoz the kids nak mula skola asap n I start work on 4 feb n shipment for the bulk of our things will take time. We started to sort out things a week before departure. Slowly but surely. The last nite I did not sleep as just want to make sure everything is ok coz we left quite a few things for our staff. We initially wanted to hire 2 vans but looking at the numbers of our accompanied luggages n boxes, someone suggested that we hire a coaster.! Silly at first but very practical n convenient. So we found one. More or less 120us. Our friends were suprised or more or less terkejut beruk bila nampak coaster tu...tapi depa setuju with our decision. UN bought us biz class ticket qatar airways so we were given 50 kilos each. And 25 kilos each extra on top of that 50 kilos but we hav to pay 1st later al in all is 375kilos. We did weight n count and it was more or less 360 kilos. so when we arrived ther we had to use 6 trolleys! At the check in...since we r biz class passengers, the layanan bagus. They counted 367 kilos n my better half was there behind the counter to supervise everything...seasoned travellers tu! So dont play play with her..."hey boy put all fragile stickers! Hey boy dont just throw our bags"...dll arahan..hehhe In the end they charged us for 90 kilos for excess baggage only. 250 kilos r our eligibility, 20 kilos r given free to members but alis n me je yg members. So 10 kilos each. 7 kilos discount...but but the charges r 3853us!!!!!!! So bila naik plane...baguih punye layanan walaupun we took most of the ruang utk cabin luggages...seated besides me was an american black but light brown n speaks like an arab. he is a pilot with qatar too...he hated qatar but pay n perks r too good!! Anyway bila sampe doha we had less than 2 hours transit...the doha airport has different terminal for biz class n above passengers. was nice. But shopping area is not big n merry like the ordinary terminal. So we had to hurry hurry mkn n shopping. Sampe msia...kitaorg window shopping n terjebak jugak beli brg sikit...we did that purposely becoz we know that our luggages will be put on the floor next to luggages carousel if lambat sampe when we arrived there at the carousel. ..true enough all our luggages n boxes were put in one place...cantik je depa selamat la tulang blkg we used 5 trolleys n had to make 2 trips utk klua ke arrival lobby... Bila sampai arrival lobby my family da tunggu..n my two strong brothers ade gak to help us with our tonnes of luggages! So I hired a van n told them it was for our luggages n boxes n me taxi kat counter x caya...had to explained many times to them the logic of my plan at least 3 la cant fault them coz depa x pernah jumpa org msia balik dr afrika. So two cars followed the bukit jelutong. We r renting a fully furnished apt while waiting for our house to be ready...renovate sikit. So sampe apt tu had to hire one of the guards to carry the stuff sampe masuk dlm apt... Thanks to Allah everything was ok... The kids will start school on 18 feb. So talk to u later