Wednesday, July 28, 2010

We are back in Arusha!!

After almost 15 hours of flight and 5 hours of drive, "home sweet home"!

Jetlag is still there...will take a couple of days to get over it.

The next thing - unpack! which we hate...

Then we have to make sure the utilities, chickens, cable tv, internet r far the internet, water, electricity and chickens r ok, and thank God our chickens have multiplied!! now the number is 19...soon it is going to be 29, God willing.

I am still at my house..Im supposed to go to the office an hour ago but since my body and mind are yet to synchronize to Arusha tunes...will let the office wait.

A couple of weeks from now will be Ramadhan! So selamat berpuasa semua!!

Saturday, July 17, 2010


1) Ownernya cuti-cuti Malaysia so blognya cuti la!

2) Sedapnya durian kucing tidur dan musang king!!

3) Wa sokong, besides Chelsea, Real Madrid sekarang...Mourinho factor!!

4) Sudah puas i makan petai dan tempoyak!!

5) Dalam masa 9 hari, kami akan balik ke Arusha!