Sunday, January 24, 2010

Why can't 4.39 million register to vote?

Recent Malaysian news reported that around 4.39 million eligible Malaysians are yet to register as voters with Election Commission (EC)!! 65% of them are Malays and East Malaysians!! I really dont understand why people just ignored totally their most fundamental rights.In every 4-5 years, you...yeah you have the right to determine who is going to 'rule' yourself, your family, your friends, etc etc for the next 4-5 years.

BUT I must say that EC should be more 'active'...I know they set up booth all over Malaysia, make press statements one after another urging people to register, working closely with party politics to get eligible persons to register...

The best thing is I think for now is to educate people through the mass media (tv, print media, e-advertisement, etc)...not just during the election season BUT every day, every week, every month, every year starting from today...tell the people why you should register and tell them the consequence if they fail to do that. They should be more creative in enticing people to come to them...they should even think of letting people to register through their laptops...hey if you can let people pay their fines through the website or handle their bankings through maybank2u/cimb clicks/etc, why not? Do you notice that the people themselves found ways that makes life easier like smart tunnel, plus highway, proton cars (!!), lrt, klinik bergerak, I am very sure that you (EC) can find a simpler way that can let the people, without much fuss, to register to vote...MALAYSIA BOLEH, remember?

Talking about promoting or advertisement, it reminds me about McD...their products are being eaten by people all over the world every second yet they spent billions of dollars year after year to advertise themselves and their products over and over you know why...that is their way to 'educate' people...they want to put in your head that if you are thinking of food, McD products should be the first one you should think of!! must be saying that you cannot compare Malaysia with a giant like McD...well you are entitled to your opinion BUT at least consider.

Talking about issue now is WHY Malaysian Government did not ever set up election booths in every Malaysian embassies that we have all over the world when there was an election? Why deny my right and the others to vote? What are you afraid of? Cost? Are you afraid that the Malaysians that have migrated to Australia, NZ, Canada, US, UK, Europe will vote the opposition? Or you are afraid to be accused of rigging the vote (like the accusations you are facing in the case of postal vote)?

I can assure you (EC or BN or even the opposition)...there are more than 300,000 Malaysians (including the Malaysian government servant working in embassies) that are living outisde Malaysia who would love to be given the opportunity to exercise their most fundamental right...and if your strategy is right, you will gain the most out of me. But make sure your strategy is fair and legal.

Hey, there were many candidates who lost by 10 votes, 100 votes or just less than 1000 just think about it.

I think I have said enough. In other words, nak seribu daya, tak nak seribu dalih.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Anak2 sudah besar...

dan bapaknya sudah banyak uban!! dan rambut2nya sudah gugur hingga kalau disandarkan kepalanya ke dinding, terasa amat sejuk dibahagian atas tengah kepala!! Oh tidak!

Kata satu Ustaz, bila sudah ada uban, maknanya maut sudah hampir!! Dan kami berserah kepada-Nya.Dan seorang lagi ustaz kata...kalau kita umur 40, sebenarnya ikut kalendar islam, kita sebenarnya umur 42/43. Ini adalah kerana tahun Islam lebih pendek dari tahun sekular ni...

Berbalik kepada tajuk sebenar...cepat sungguh masa berlalu. tadi anak ke-2 kami...Haris sambut harilahir ke-7! macam semalam rasanya baru kami tukar lampin nya...macam kelmarin rasanya kami menyuapkan dia makan nasi telur kegemaran dia...jadi bapak2 dan mak2...mari kita mengingatkan diri kita semua...nikmatilah dengan sebenar-benarnya masa bersama dengan anak2 kita...kerna mereka cepat membesar dan bila mereka sudah besar, susah kita hendak peluk cium mereka, susah kita hendak geletek mereka lagi, susah kita dukung dia. Ringkasnya dan mungkin kita susah nak menunjukkan mereka itu jantung hati kita lagi!

ye la...bebudak sekarang (bukan semua)...tak suka kita temankan depa pergi beli-belah atau hantar mereka ke sekolah...malu katanya...sebab nampak depa anak manja!! Alah, kalau depa sakit, sapa yang depa sebut, mak, ayah dan Allah! gerenti...

Untuk menyambut harijadi anak kami yang ke-7, isteri ku seperti biasa telah berlelah buat kek sendiri dan inilah hasilnya -


Sunday, January 10, 2010

Pictures of our holiday

My recent birthday

The cake that my wife baked for my birthday (jimmaaattttt!!!) -

Sooodappppp!!!!! (Delicious)

Saturday, January 9, 2010

A must read article by my good friend

This article is written by Radin Ariff, a PhD student in Stirling. He is doing a thesis on Takaful/Islamic Insurance. A Central Bank of Malaysia officer. He was my former university classmate. He is also an avid and excellent photograph.

Sometimes, I dont get it. Why people wants to over react on this kind of matter. Cant they just be patience on this matter? Everybody is looking for a solution on this matter.

Anyhow, read his article. I really agree with his statement. I hope it can bring some sense back to these people.

Of Building Bridges and Burning Churches - Lessons from Prophets and the Companions

With the recent news on burning of churches in Malaysia, I just had to say something on this.

I was a keen student of Islamic Constitutional Law as an undergraduate at the IIUM. One thing I found out was about the rights of a non-Muslim in a Muslim country. Al-Ahkam Al-Sultaniyyah (Islamic Constitutional Law) is of utmost importance - because the Constitution is one legal document which guarantees the rights of citizens of an Islamic state. The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) upon his hijrah to Medina, set up an Islamic state and introduced the Constitution of Medina, the world's first written constitution. Among others, the Constitution guarantees religious freedom to the Jews of Medina and the protection of Jewish tribes. If the Messenger of God could do it, why can't we in modern times. Some things to ponder on: "Not only does Islam give the freedom of religious freedom to non-Muslims, its tolerant law extends to the preservation of their places of worship. God says in the Quran: “(They are) those who have been evicted from their homes without right — only because they say, ‘Our Lord is God.’ And was it not that God checks the people, some by means of others, there would have been demolished monasteries, churches, synagogues, and mosques in which the name of God is much mentioned (praised). And God will surely support those who support Him (meaning His cause). Indeed, God is Powerful and Exalted in Might.” (Quran 22:40).

The Muslim caliphs used to order their military leaders who went on military campaigns to take steps to guarantee this matter. The first example is the command of Abu Bakr to Usamah bin Zayd: ‘I command you to do ten things: kill no woman, no child, nor an elderly person; do not cut down fruit trees, or vandalize homes, or wound a sheep or camel except if you must eat it; do not drown a palm tree, or burn it, do not be treacherous; do not be cowardly; and you will pass by people who have devoted themselves to monastery life; leave them alone to their devotions.’ The second example is the treaty of Umar ibn al-Khattab with the people of Iliya of Jerusalem: ‘This is the security given by the slave of God, Umar, the Commander of the Faithful, to the people of Iliya: they are guaranteed the security if their persons, possessions, churches, crucifixes, and everyone within, whether sick or in good health, as well as everyone in their community. Their churches will not be occupied or demolished, nor will anything be taken from them: neither furnishings nor crucifixes or money. They will not be forced away from their religion, or harmed because of it. They will not be occupied by the Jewish settlers in Iliya.’ As a result, since the era of the rightly-guided caliphs, Jews and Christians have held their services in freedom and security." source - May Allah purify our hearts and minds and take us to the right path. Wassalam.
